Radiohead – 15 Step
How come I end up where I started? How come I end up where I went wrong?
How come I end up where I started? How come I end up where I went wrong?
How come no browser in the history of humanity has had an ‘open in this window’–button? Because they assume people don’t use target="_blank"
? They do.
And it’s obviously not to keep buttons out of the interface — when tabs came to browsers, they implemented ‘open in new tab’. So what is it?
(Yes, I know this can be achieved with user scripts, I just wonder about why it has never been built into the browser.)
Forever awake he lies shaking and starving Praying for someone to turn off the light
I’ve actually only seen four of these (‘2001’, ‘Memento’, ‘Mullholland Dr.’, and ‘Donnie Darko’). I’d argue that Fight Club would merit a place on this list, as I find it is — in the respects relevant to this list — similar to Memento.
(Via Daring Fireball.)
The name really says it all. I need to employ these techniques much more often.
Interesting. Scary, but interesting.
(Via Jens Alfke.)
Although I realised many years ago that there’s no such thing as ‘perfect’ in the real world (I even came up with an expression: ‘striving for perfection is human, achieving perfection is divine’, and since I don’t believe in a divine being, perfection is impossible), I have felt this many times: my writing being bad (in particular), a design being bad, some code.
In essence, I could have written that article. But I’m not merely imperfect, I’m also lazy.
Wow, this is exactly what I have wanted, ever since I got my first iPod — except I wanted the exact opposite.
What I really want is for the blocker to go the other way — I want to be able to sync without charging. (I realise a cable probably couldn’t do that, I assume it would have to be done at the hardware level.)
The reason for this is my great care for battery life. In the manual of one of the first mobile phones I owned, it said quite explicitly that I shouldn’t charge the phone until it was fully uncharged, and I have taken that to heart ever since.
But I want to be able to sync my iPhone, to get the latest podcasts, apps, and calendar updates. So I strongly urge Apple — or Matias, if it’s possible for them to do so — to create a way to allow for syncing, and not charging.
(Via Typical Mac User.)
Eric’s proposal is quite ingenious, although I see potential pitfalls.
At the ToonPrint development server, I have implemented an approach that’s a little more subtle, although it’s also easier to miss: based on the current domain, if it matches that of the development server, the <title/>
will have “DEV — ” written at the beginning. This also has the added ability of being easy to spot in a multiple-tab browser window.
Just like Simon, I first learned Python by reading Mark Pilgrim‘s original ‘Dive Into Python’. (Although that was only a little over two years ago.) I look forward to learning Python 3 through the competent writings of Mark.
This is Simply Jonathan, a blog written by Jonathan Holst. It's mostly about technical topics (and mainly the Web at that), but an occasional post on clothing, sports, and general personal life topics can be found.
Jonathan Holst is a programmer, language enthusiast, sports fan, and appreciator of good design, living in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe. He is also someone pretentious enough to call himself the 'author' of a blog. And talk about himself in the third person.