Simply Jonathan


Permanent location of 'Build-a-Muppet'

Wow. We should really look into this. (Yes, I am joking, but it’s a neat idea nonetheless.)

(Via Daring Fireball.)

Chelsea, why do you fall for it? 

Sensationalist journalism is a plague.

Finding the easter eggs

I recently quit a lynx instance. Or, that is, at first I decided to quit, but then remembered something else I needed to do — so when it prompted me with an ‘Are you sure?’–message, I pressed n. To this, lynx happily replied: “Excellent!!!”, complete with three exclamation marks. Cute little thing.

Steal [that] Comic 

Permanent location of 'Steal [that] Comic'

Pure brilliance. Munroe has spoiled us for a long time on xkcd, but this really is marvellous, although I believe it’s been seen before. But it’s just that simple, it’s good.

The Streets Synger Dansk 

(This post is in Danish)

Permanent location of 'The Streets Synger Dansk'

Det er en gammel nyhed, men eftersom jeg købte “Everything is Borrowed” i går, er min interesse blevet fornyet. Og Mike Skinners danske udtale er yderst imponerende, selvom han ikke synger så meget.

Being horrible at that one thing 

Writing certainly isn’t what Rand is horrible at. Might be the one thing I’m horrible at. (Although I can come up with others, if pressed.)

Transmit used by (former) porn star

The guys at Panic have really hit the big times — in the newest edition of YOYOmag, former Danish porn star Kira Eggers reveals having purchased a Transmit licence.

(I never thought I’d have to do this, but I feel I have to put up some sort of disclaimer: while I don’t technically [nor in any other way, really] work for YOYOmag, it is a magazine published by my employer, Print2People. They didn’t endorse this writing, however.)

Fiction Rule of Thumb 

Permanent location of 'Fiction Rule of Thumb'

An obvious exception would be The Lord of the Rings, which is almost entirely made up of words the author invented.

The Clash – The Guns of Brixton

When they kick at your front door, How are you going to come? With your hands on your head, Or on the trigger of your gun?

A Modest Proposal 

Permanent location of 'A Modest Proposal'

Zeldman’s proposal is obviously a pipe dream, but a good one none the less.

This is Simply Jonathan, a blog written by Jonathan Holst. It's mostly about technical topics (and mainly the Web at that), but an occasional post on clothing, sports, and general personal life topics can be found.

Jonathan Holst is a programmer, language enthusiast, sports fan, and appreciator of good design, living in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe. He is also someone pretentious enough to call himself the 'author' of a blog. And talk about himself in the third person.